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What you'll learn

"He – had B.Sc. of Mechanical Engineering from University of Technology 1996, M.Sc. of mechanical engineering with combustion field from University of Technology 2000 in Iraq and PhD in Mechanical Engineering / Combustion from University Technology PETRONAS 2018. He is a lecturer in mechanical engineering department at University of Technology-Baghdad. Currently, research work focused on combustion operations and magnetization fluids. Membership with Iraqi engineers union 1996."


  • Postgraduate students
  • The participant has a research article ready for publication


Training researchers to understand LaTeX instructions The instructions in this workshop will help you prepare and submit your own LaTeX files


Dr. Hasanain A. Abdul Wahhab / Mechanical Engineering

"He had B.Sc. of Mechanical Engineering from University of Technology 1996, M.Sc. of mechanical engineering with combustion field from University of Technology 2000 in Iraq and PhD in Mechanical Engineering / Combustion from University Technology PETRONAS 2018. He is a lecturer in mechanical engineering department at University of Technology-Baghdad. Currently, research work focused on combustion operations and magnetization fluids. Membership with Iraqi engineers union 1996."

University of Technology
Innovative Student Club

Start on 2023-04-02

The duration of the course is 2 hrs
Total Hours : 2 hrs
This course includes a certificate from the University of Technology